Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Plodding into the New Year

I notice on Face Book that most people either couldn't wait to see 2012 end or they hated to see it pass.

As for me, I will mostly plod from the old year into the new.

But sometimes I will gallop.

Or hobble...

Or Dance. 

Sometimes I will let others lead.  Take the uphill path with the down.

But I will try to make my own fresh prints as often as I can....

 try to remember that looking back can be as valuable as moving forward.

I will revel in campanionship, sharing with family and friends.

I will open those old files and make what I can out of rejection.

Use the traditional to create something new with my own vision.

Find beauty in what has passed before.

I hope I can embrace the good and try to make sense out of the bad.

May you too find inspiration in this New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Karen you have captured the images and feel of both new year nostalgia and the open expanse of the winter mesa. The cold snow squeaks. The sky is absolutely blue, blue, blue. Already, we begin another year. Thank you. Nancy Bo Flood
