Thursday, January 24, 2013

Writing Friends: Nancy Bo Flood

The internet was new( to me anyway).  It was 1993..or 4.  We had just returned from Haiti.  I was working on a quilt to auction off to raise money for Hospital Albert Schweitzer where we had lived and worked for 2 years.  I sent out a letter to the hospital email list asking for quilters to design a square for the quilt.

One of the responses came from Nancy Bo Flood.  Turns out she is a quilter ...and she lived for while in Haiti at HAS.  She writes children's books.  Like me!  She has four children and her husband is a doctor.

We emailed back and forth.  They lived in Malawi.  One of their sons was born there....a lot like me.  Is this internet connection thing getting creepy yet?  I had shivers.

At the time Nancy and her husband and some of her children were in American Samoa...I told my husband I knew where we would be going next.

Turns out we went back to Haiti for a year instead of American Samoa.  And Nancy and I lost touch.  Fast forward to 2009.  We applied to work with the Indian Health Service.  I heard Steve on the phone talking to a recruiter.  It was evident from the one sided conversation that I has listening too that there was a children's book author living in the Navajo community, at the very site where we would visit and apply to work.

More shivers..."Steve I know who it is,"  I said.  And it was.  Nancy Bo Flood lives around the corner from me.  We critiques each other's work and it turns out we have a lot more in common.  But she is not me and I am not her...quite.

 Check out Nancy's books and her blogs. (children's lit and social justice issues) 
and  (linking books and young readers)


  1. Well you've topped me on this one! So glad you found each other!

  2. What a wonderful "next chapter" to become friends with Karen, a writer, an explorer, a woman who creates art from found objects and stories from conversations.

    Thank you, Karen!

    Nancy Bo Flood
